Favour Okpara, tell us about his life and about IM Mastery Academy

I am Favour Okpara, I am 22 years old, I am dedicated to Digital marketing and forex trading, I am a member of IM Mastery Academy, I am currently holding a Platinum 1000 rank and also a beast trader in forex and dcx in IM Mastery Academy, our mission is to revolutionize the Financial Educational Industry, with IM MASTERY ACADEMY as the ultimate vehicle which will bring people self-respect, dignity, and the power to change their lives, and the lives of others, around the world
IM Mastery Academy started life as iMarket Live back in 2013 and was launched by Chris Terry.
There was also a new co-founder, Isis De La Torre when IM Mastery Academy launched.
IM Mastery Academy specializes in Forex and Cryptocurrency products and services which include:
Swipe Trades

They also offer several academy options if you scroll up:
FRX Academy
IBO Academy (not a retail product)
IM Mastery Academy are bundled with Platinum ($225) and Elite Starter Packs ($325).
It’s direct competitors in the MLM space would be Tradera and Epic Trading
Subscribers can be both affiliates or retail customers who have purchased the IM Mastery Academy Package.

Type of business
My business is to trade forex, traditional forex (frx) and high frequency forex (hfx) and now I am a beastly trader in high frequency forex (hfx). I am also advising over a hundred people in trading and I am seeing great results. I was in the last two years until I joined the masters academy last year and my business skills increased tremendously thanks to the masters academy, the reason I joined this company is because I wanted to grow more, I wanted to be a part of a team and a family and now I have a team a family and I am grateful for this opportunity to be here.

I am so proud to be the first platinum 1000 in my state in just a period of 3 months, i have also achieve the goal of raising my account from $500 to $22,000 in just 1 month, i am so grateful to be a 7 figure earner at the age of 22 i have a car, i have a beautiful house and i also made some friends with some nigerian celebrities, i have also been privilege to travel to three different countries, and i am not financially free, i can now make $1000 in minutes from the comfort of my chair!
What also motivates me to keep going is the fear of failure, I like to say that I keep a close tight circle. My circle includes a group of individuals that reaps the benefits of both parties. That means that I gain something good from them and they gain something good from me. A group of people with similar interests is what helps me stay motivated because of the group I’m surrounded by.
These non-blood related people help me see certain aspects and perspectives to help me get the bigger picture. This can be true in songwriting when one can provide creative feedback or critique to improve.
My parents are the reason why I’m here. If it weren’t for them, I wouldn’t be here in this world. All they ever want from me is to be a better individual and person and more than what they can ever be. That can be either intellectually or through status. Just knowing what they had to go through just to be here in Nigeria gives me a feeling of purpose. My family is my ultimate motivation.
Tough Times
Everything ends. Whether it’s good or bad, it doesn’t last forever. When a situation is troubling for you, it may seem as if it will never end. But that’s just a subjective and distorted perception. Our minds tend to expand negative events as they happen and so it appears like they’ve been going on for a lot more than they really did, and as if they will continue to go on for a long time. When the going gets tough, it’s common for us to stop seeing our strengths and only be aware of our flaws. Thus, we see ourselves as losers, incapable to rise above difficult situations. But this is never true. Just like any other person out there, you have a combination of strengths and weaknesses.
The key is to remind yourself that you have lots of strength. Perhaps start thinking about some of them in particular, and do a quick mental check of some of your strengths. By doing this, your perception of yourself will shift and become more balanced. Again, this will empower you and give you confidence that you’ll handle the situation you’re in effectively.
Years to Come
In some couple of years, I see myself imparting knowledge to a lot of people. I see myself as a great mentor to guide a lot of people, I really want to see people grow big like me and I will be ready to help people gain financial freedom!
My dreams and aspirations are to create a lot of millionaires, and also to help my community and help spread my knowledge and also, I want to grow big in my organization and company

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