See Your Shadow «Take It to your Grave»

The best way to keep a secret is to not tell a soul, especially if that secret can bring pain into someone else’s life. This is the heart-wrenching theme of “Take It To Your Grave”, a songwriting collaboration between Michael Coleman, musical director of the multi-award winning See Your Shadow, and long time writing partner J. Richard Murray.

“Take It To Your Grave”, to be released on July 8 , is the lead single from the upcoming See Your
Shadow retrospective, “From His Mind” which will be released later this summer, to include See
Your Shadow’s greatest hits and some previously unreleased material. See Your Shadow is known
th SSuubbmmiitt FFoollllooww oonn FFeeeeddssppoott for exploring themes that fall outside the norm by tackling complex emotions and stories showcasing the human experience.

In “Take It To Your Grave” the lyrics portray a story of a man who fathers his best friend’s son and the
anguish suffered from not being able to reveal that truth.

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