Giacomo Spazzini is defined as a celebrity in fitness

I was 14 the first time i went to the gym and immediately fell in love with it, still unaware of how much fitness would play such an important role in my future.

Spazzini, da Castiglione al campionato culturisti - Gazzetta di Mantova  Mantova

The daily training as a competitor allowed me to grow both mentally and physically. At just 20 I had already thought about my mission: changing people’s bodies and minds.

Giacomo Spazzini (@GSpazzini) | Twitter

Always accurate and stubborn, I have fought every day to push me beyond my personal limits and dedicate myself more and more to others. My passion perfectly corresponds to my job. At 28 I launched the first luxury fitness consulting firms in Italy, making a team, actually 25 professionals in the sector.

Giacomo Spazzini tells how in his experience he noticed how people are looking for exclusive services, defined and tailored to their needs.

Following this idea he created the GS LOFT clubs of excellence, the right place to welcome and help anyone who wants to feed muscle mass, improve self – esteem and live a better life from all points of view. Age doesn’t matter, anything is possible.

Giacomo today at the age of 30 is defined as a celebrity in fitness. Many have relied on his method, including celebrities and footballers ( for example the singers Sferaebbasta and Elettra Lamborghini, or the footballer Andrea Patagna).

With his athletes he won the best national and international awards in fitness, crossfit and combat sports. His authority in the sector is now so consolidated that people move from all over the world to receive his advice. GS LOFT in a not so distant future will become an international brand with the aim of exporting the made in Italy all over the world. I believe that psycho-physical well being must be everyone’s right and because of that i’ve decided to write articles for six months that can help and support anyone who wants to improve and have a better life. I look forward to meeting you at our clubs in Desenzano and Milano Marittima.

-What is your business and what are you doing? Tell us your story and how you started, what made you choose this path

-GS LOFT’s business model is built to help people change their lives. It all starts from my strong passion for a healthy lifestyle. After years as an athlete I realized that was the time to dedicate myself to others considering the big experience in wellness and health. I think there’s nothing better than having the chance to take care of people’s well being. Now 3 years after the opening of my 3 consultancy centers, we have an international expansion program for the next 5 years. 2021’s goals are to consolidate format, rebrand, improve services, hire new professional figures and put ourselves into the development plans of 2022 and on.

-What makes you stand out in your industry? Why are you unique?

-I’m considered an innovator in my sector, because I’ve been able to understand and anticipate people’s needs, where the customer relies in a luxury but welcoming environment that has never been seen before.

GS LOFT is the first fitness consultancy center that has included a team of professionals focused on changing people’s bodies and minds. Everything is strengthened by my personal brand as before GS LOFT’s opening I was considered as the best crossfit, bodybuilding, combat sports’s trainer in Italy. Team Spazzini’s athletes have never dropped from the best international’s podiums, even my wife Cinzia participated at the Olympia (European bodybuilding championship).

Today at the age of 30, I’m considered as a business inspiration being the only one to have built a company that had turnover 1 million in the first year and 2 in the second year (COVID period).

-What keeps you running when times get tough? What advice did you like someone to give you at the beginning of your career?

-I’ve always been determined, even when I get down I try making the best of every situation, because I learned that success is never linear.

If you want to grow up you just gotta accept that there always will be ups and downs.

In my professional career I had many haters, and there always will because when you want to distinguish yourself from the others, people start to envy you and leave you.

You gotta be ready to lose many friends, not everybody is able to stay close to successful people.

I’m glad that i never received any advice from anyone, this made me stronger.

-Where do you see yourself and your product in a couple of years? What are some of your dreams and aspirations?

-I’m in love with Miami, my dream is to go to America and make business there. In the States entrepreneurs are way more supported.

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